A downloadable fanzine

Whispers of the Dead is a free fanzine for Delta Green, the tabletop roleplaying games of Lovecraftian Horror and Conspiracy. This fanzine provides new monsters, artifacts, rituals, NPCs, and media inspirations for your home campaigns.

Issue 1 includes:

  • The Night-Walk Cauldron: a chaotic brewing pot for alchemy connected with The Dark Man himself,
  • Opera Playbills: three new Unnatural tomes to drive your Agents crazy,
  • Six new rituals, with possible Operation Hooks to quickly bring them to the table,
  • The Machine Men: combat robots powered by moonlight with a Victorian history,
  • new NPCs, inspiration from the news, and fictional inspiration.

Delta Green Partnership

Published with arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © the credited contributors, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

Image Credit

Whispers 1 Banner was sourced from Elti Meshau, Aron Visuals, and Laura Ockel on Unsplash.


Whispers of the Dead - Issue 1.1.pdf 6.4 MB
Whispers of the Dead - Issue 1.0.pdf 6.4 MB

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